Thursday, August 11, 2011

T.G.I. ThursBass!!

#Yesssss It's time for our weekly Bass series at Clicks Live tonight! Click the Pic for more info. If you're in the area, Come on for some Bass in yo face and great drink specials!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

#MondayMix by DjCicero

Its been a long time....

I shouldn't have left you...
My blogger game has been slippin people, #StraightUp, but I'm back with updates. Although I havent been busy here, things have been steady moving. I've been Djing heavy lately, working on various production projects and helping promote a weekly Dj showcase in my hometown called #Thursbass. For now I'll just throw up the links to my newer pages and music, but expect more post here in the future!

Dj page:
Music page:
Thursbass page

I've also started work on my yearly mixtape Cicero Mode 4.0, scheduled to drop this winter.

Stay tuned